
At the GEWINN conference Gender & IT 2018 we discussed and presented the current international state of research about gender and IT. On the 14th and 15th of May 2018 we welcomed about 150 researchers of science and technology studies, gender studies and computer science to present their work and exchange experiences in Heilbronn, Germany.

As part of the project "Gender. Knowledge. Computer Science. Network on Research Transfer of interdisciplinary knowledge on Gender and Computer Science (GEWINN)“ the conference is part of a process of reflection and knowledge transfer. Researchers from all over the world are invited to present their work to further the understand and develop possibilities of action to promote gender equality in IT.

Student/innen laufen über den Universitätsflur


The Proceedings, the video documentation and the photo documentation are published here:

Conference Documentation


Promoting a gender perspective in digital change still is a great challenge. On the conference Gender&IT 2018 on 14/15th May in Heilbronn, Germany, we will discuss possibilities of cooperation between science and practitioners for successful tools and design. 

You can expect interesting lectures and talks out of HCI, design research, technology, gender studies and computer science. We welcome researchers form universities, research institutes and research departments of companies to present their work and share their experiences.

The Conference will be opened by

  • Prof. Dr. Nicola Marsden (Conference Chair)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing Oliver Lenzen, Rector of Heilbronn University
  • Christine Regitz, Vice President SAP SE / GI Vice President

The conference opens on May 14th at 9 a. m. and ends on May 15th at 1:30 p. m. with a Lunch & Farewell by Nicola Marsden and Volker Wulf (Conference Chairs).

Further information about the Keynote Speakers:


Monday, May 14th, 2018

Aula Room V 0.21
9:00 am Registration
10:00 am Opening
Welcome by Nicola Marsden (Conference Chair)
Welcome by the Rectorate of the Heilbronn University
Welcome by Christine Regitz (GI Vice President)
10:30 am Keynote
Karen Holtzblatt
InContext Enterprises & WITops
The @Work Experience Framework - A guide for retaining women in technology
Session 1.1: Semiotics, Advanced Training & Agility in Higher Education (Ger.) / Chair: Corinna Bath Session 1.2: Participatory Design, Computational Making & Gender in Computing (Engl.) / Chair: Marion Mangelsdorf
11:30 am #1100
Britta Schinzel
University of Freiburg
IT-getriebene Transkriptionen: Zum Gender- und Moral-haltigen Gebrauch von Sprache, Begriffen, Metaphern und Erzählungen in Informatik und Informationstechnik
Melanie Irrgang
TU Berlin
Hands-On Participatory and Interdisciplinary Design in Computer Science: An Example
12:00 pm #1151
Monika Pröbster, Julia Hermann, Nicola Marsden
Heilbronn University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Digitale Weiterbildung in der IT - Eine Frage des Geschlechts?
Jennifer Ann Rode, Veronice Cucuiat
University College London
Computational Making, Binary Gender and LEGO
12:30 pm #1126
Juliane Siegeris, Ruth Steinseifer, Helena Barke
Wie agil geht Hochschullehre? Weiterentwicklung studentischer Projekte
in einem mono-edukativen Studiengang
Claude Draude, Susanne Maaß
University of Kassel, University of Bremen
Making IT Work - Integrating gender research in computing through a process model
1:00 pm Lunch & Postersession 1
Session 2.1: Gender and Technical Identities & Gender and Gaming (Engl.) / Chair: Konstantin Aal Session 2.2: Gender Stereotypes in Computer Science (Engl.) / Chair: Anne Weibert
2:30 pm #1155
Jennifer Ann Rode, Erika Poole
University College London, E. PooleConsultancy
Putting the Gender Back in Digital Housekeeping
Philipp Brauner, Thiemo Leonhardt, Nadine Bergner, Ulrik Schroeder, Martina Ziefle, Birgit Ziegler
RWTH Aachen University, TU Darmstadt
Gender Influences School Students' Mental Models of Computer
Science - A Quantitative Rich Picture Analysis with Sixth Graders
3:00 pm #1152
Andrea Marshall, Jennifer Ann Rode
University College London, Drexel University
Deconstructing Sociotechnical Identity in Maker Cultures
Sarah Theres Völkel, Wiktoria Wilkowska, Martina Ziefle
LMU Munich, RWTH Aachen University
Understanding Gender-Specific Motivation and Expectations toward Computer Science
3:30 pm #1104
Kerstin Raudonat, Nicola Marsden
Heilbronn University
Social Actions in MMORPG Raiding Groups from the Perspective of Culture-Inclusive Action Theory
4:00 pm Postersession 2
6:00 pm BUGA-Tour


Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

Aula Room V 0.21
9:00 am Coffee / Welcome
Session 3.1: Gender and Automotive Engineering, Girls and Programming & Sexism in Remote Collaboration (Engl.) / Chair: Susanne Maaß Session 3.2: Improvement of Usability, Gender Roles in Financial Services & Gender Bias in Education (Engl.) / Chair: Claude Draude
9:30 am #1149
Sandra Buchmüller, Corinna Bath, Roman Henze
TU Braunschweig
To whom does the driver's seat belong in the future? A case of negotiation between gender studies and automotive engineering
Arun Shekhar, Nicola Marsden
Heilbronn University
Cognitive Walkthrough of a Learning Management System with Gendered Personas
10:00 am #1143
Hilde G. Corneliussen, Fay Tveranger
Western Norway Research Institute, University of Bergen
Programming in Secondary Schools in Norway - a Wasted Opportunity for Inclusion
Dennis Hummel, Sinja Herbertz, Alexander Mädche
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Mannheim
Biological Sex vs. Psychological Gender-Roles in Online Channel Choices: Evidence from Two Studies in the Financial Services Industry
10:30 am #1119
Anna Agafonova, Cornelia Connolly, Nicola Marsden
Heilbronn University, National University of Ireland Galway
Sexism in Remote Collaboration in Student Teams
Bernadette Spieler
TU Graz
Reinforcing Gender Equality by Analysing Female Teenagers’ Performances in Coding Activities: A Lesson Learned
11:00 am Postersession 3
Session 4.1: Gender & IT Living Labs (Engl.) / Chair: Jennifer Rode Session 4.2: Gender in Education (Engl.) / Chair: Britta Schinzel
12:00 pm #1107
Michael Ahmadi, Anne Weibert, Corinna Ogonowski, Konstantin Aal, Kristian Gäckle, Nicola Marsden, Volker Wulf
University of Siegen, Heilbronn University
Challenges and Lessons Learned by Applying Living Labs in Gender and IT Contexts
#1136 Bettina Finzel, Hannah Deininger, Ute Schmid
University of Bamberg
From Beliefs to Intention: Mentoring as an Approach to Motivate Female High School Students to Enrol in Computer Science Studies
12:30 pm Final Keynote (Engl.)
Volker Wulf
University of Siegen
Gender-Perspectives in Practice-Based Computing
1:15 pm Lunch & Farewell by Nicola Marsden and Volker Wulf (Conference Chairs)



Program modifications reserved.

Call for papers

Conference on Gender & IT May, 14/15, 2018 in Heilbronn, Germany

The conference centers on interdisciplinary knowledge regarding gender and IT. It is part of the research project "Gender. Knowledge. Informatics. Network for Research Transfer of Interdisciplinary Knowledge regarding Gender and IT (GEWINN)".

The deadline for submissions has expired. You still find all information below.



Science Community

Logo Science-Community

Science Community

Program Committee


  • Michael Ahmadi, Universität Siegen– operations chair
  • Antonella De Angeli, University of Lincoln
  • Ken Anderson, Intel Corporation
  • Jeffrey Bardzell, Indiana University
  • Shaowen Bardzell, Indiana University
  • Corinna Bath, Technische Universität Braunschweig
  • Susanne Bødker, Aarhus University
  • Jennifer Booker, Rutgers University
  • Sandra Buchmüller, Technische Universität Braunschweig
  • Margaret M. Burnett, Oregon State University
  • Claude Draude, Universität Kassel
  • Kristian Gäckle, Hochschule Heilbronn – operations chair
  • Maren Haag, Hochschule Heilbronn
  • Oliver L. Haimson, University of California, Irvine
  • Maritta Heisel, Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • Karen Holtzblatt, InContext Design
  • Monique Janneck, Fachhochschule Lübeck
  • Yasmin Kafai, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
  • Ute Kempf, Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e.V. – publicity chair
  • Petra Lucht, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Susanne Maaß, Universität Bremen
  • Nicola Marsden, Hochschule Heilbronn – conference chair
  • Andrea Marshall, Drexel University
  • Claudia Müller, Universität Siegen
  • Kerstin Raudonat, Hochschule Heilbronn
  • Christine Regitz, SAP SE
  • Tanja Reimer, Universität Flensburg
  • Jennifer Rode, University College London – program chair
  • Gabriele Schade, Fachhochschule Erfurt
  • Britta Schinzel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • Juliane Siegeris, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
  • Anne Weibert, Universität Siegen – program chair
  • Heike Wiesner, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
  • Volker Wulf, Universität Siegen – conference chair


GENDER//WISSEN//INFORMATIK" in den soziale Netzwerken