Conference on Gender & IT May, 14/15, 2018 in Heilbronn, Germany
The conference centers on interdisciplinary knowledge regarding gender and IT. It is part of the research project "Gender. Knowledge. Informatics. Network for Research Transfer of Interdisciplinary Knowledge regarding Gender and IT (GEWINN)".
The deadline for submissions has expired. You still find all information below.
Promoting gender perspectives in the digital revolution is still an ongoing major challenge. What are promising and innovative interventions and where are the areas of interest? How can researchers and practitioners cooperate to prevent troublesome gendering in IT? How can the mutual exchange of gender knowledge and IT expertise be made effective? This conference looks for inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to consider gender in shaping and creating digital change. Researchers in HCI and design research, science and technology studies, gender studies, computer science, and related fields from universities, research facilities as well as research departments of companies. The main goal is to fill the gap between theory and practice and to share and transfer research in the following gender related topics:
- Organizational Culture in IT
- Gender and VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
- Agile Methods and Gender Equality
- Ubiquitous Computing
- De-Gendering IT
- DevOps und Gender
- Gender-sensitive IT-Design
- Experience Design
- Gender & HCI
- Gender and Diversity in Computer Science
- Gender Approaches in IT projects
The conference languages will be English and German. All submissions will be blind-reviewed. Authors should present their work at the conference (remote/video possible).
The proceedings volume with papers will be part of the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS published by ACM). The ISBN is 978-1-4503-5346-5, papers will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
Submission Deadline: October 31st 2017 (Central European Time)
Notifications: December 15th 2017 (Central European Time)
Submit Revision: February 15th 2018 (Central European Time)
You can submit a long or a short paper:
Long Paper: Prepare your submission following the ACM format (template ACM_SigConf). Make sure it is anonymized for the review process. A paper should consist of 4-10 pages including figures and a maximum 150 word abstract. References do not count toward the page limit. Submissions in German need to translate the title and abstract (150 word maximum still applies), submissions in English do not need German translations. Only original work will be accepted, i.e. your submission cannot be published or under review elsewhere.
Short Paper/Poster: Short Papers are for preliminary findings, designs, or other projects and innovations related to the topics. They are two-page papers following the ACM format (template ACM_SigConf) including figures and a maximum 150 word abstract. References do not count toward the page limit. Make sure your submission is anonymized for the review process. Submissions in German need to translate the title and abstract (150 word maximum still applies), submissions in English do not need German translations. At the conference, short papers will be presented with a poster that covers the essential aspects and encourages productive discussions with participants.
Please submit your papers here:
The submission system is supported by ConfTool and requires the creation of an account for submissions.
Please ensure that your submission for review is anonymized, i.e. does not have any authorinformation in the document. Be assured that formatting issues will not affect the reviewingdecision. For submissions in German: Please include an English translation of the title and the abstract.To be up-to-date with the ACM template, please follow these steps:
Download, extract and open the corresponding Zipfile from:
1. Install all fonts included in folder ‘ACM Fonts’
2. Open ‘ACM_SigConf.docx’ in folder ‘ACM Sample Files’ -> ‘(Operating System) Sample Files’ -> Open ‘ACM_SigConf.docx’ for full and short papers.
3. Attach the template in your MS-Word File for the appropriate version of MS-Word as shown below:
a. Windows
- Press the ‘File’ button from the top of MS Word and click on 'Options'command, which opens the ‘Word Options’ dialog box.
- Select ‘Add-Ins’ in Word Options dialog box.
- Click on ‘Manage’ Drop Down list and select ‘Templates’ (As default ‘COM Add-Ins is selected’).
- Click the ‘Go’ button. The ‘Templates and Add-Ins’ dialog box appears. To selectthe relevant template, click on the ‘Attach’ button. Word will display the ‘AttachTemplate’ dialog box, which works like the Open dialog box.
- Select the template ‘ACM.dotm’ from the folder ‘ACM’ -> Templates ->‘ACM.dotm’ at the respective location where you have extracted the Zipfile andclick on the ‘Open’ button.
- click on the ‘Open’ button.In ‘Templates and Add-Ins’ dialog box, click ‘OK’. The styles (including macros)stored in the selected template are now available in your document. (Note: Ifyou get the following security warning, just click on 'Enable Macros').
b. Mac-Word 2011
- Press the ‘Tools’ button from the top of MS Word and click on 'Templates andAdd-Ins' command, which opens the Word Options dialog box.
- Select ‘Add-Ins’ in Word Options dialog box. This option appears on the lefthandside of the dialog box.
- The dialog box appears. Select ‘Templates’ from the Manage drop-down list (Asdefault ‘COM Add-Ins is selected’).
- Click the ‘Go’ button. The ‘Templates and Add-Ins’ dialog box appears.Whichever template name is appearing in the Document Template field is whatis currently attached to the document.
- To select the relevant template, click on the ‘Attach’ button. Word will display‘Choose a template...’ dialog box, which works like the Open dialog box.
- Select the template ‘ACM.dotm’ from the folder ‘ACM’ -> Templates ->‘ACM.dotm’ at the respective location where you have extracted the Zipfile and click on the ‘Open’ button.
- In ‘Templates and Add-Ins’ dialog box, click ‘OK’. The styles (including macros) stored in the selected template are now available in your document. (Note: If you get the following security warning, just click on 'Enable Macros').
c. Mac-Word 2016
- Press the ‘Tools’ button from the top of MS Word and click on 'Templates and Add- Ins' command, which opens the ‘Word Options’ dialog box.
- The dialog box appears. To select the relevant template, click on the ‘Attach’ button. Word will display ‘Choose a template...’ dialog box, which works like the Open dialog box.
- Select the template ‘ACM.dotm’ from the folder ‘ACM’ -> Templates ->‘ACM.dotm’ at the respective location where you have extracted the Zipfile and click on the ‘Open’ button.
- In ‘Templates and Add-Ins’ dialog box, click ‘OK’. The styles (including macros) stored in the selected template are now available in your document. (Note: If you get the following security warning, just click on 'Enable Macros').
4. Now you can add your own text to the ‘ACM_SigConf.docx’.
5. In your submission you can ignore the following fields, instructions will follow for accepted papers:
a. Author names, institutions and e-mail addresses
c. ACM Reference format
d. The block regarding the copyright information
6. References: You have to use numbered referencing, but you will find more detailed information at the ACM website ‘Citation Style and Reference Formats’. If you use Endnote, you can access the EndNote style by Bernd Ploderer here.
7. If you encounter problems with macros, just edit the template and ignore the macros.
8. For further detailed questions there is a user manual in ‘ACM User Manual’.